Supplies & Enrichment for Birds & Small Animals
A mini version of our best seller Derek's Delight . Made from 1-1/4 non-toxic cardboard circles with natural paper slices, and 1" balsa squarz. Great as a shredder! Measures 8" long and is suitable for small-sized birds.
A mini version of our best seller Derek's Delight. Made from 1-1/2 non-toxic cardboard circles with natural paper slices, and 1" balsa squares. Great as a shredder!
Measures 6" long and is suitable for small-sized birds.
Layers upon layers of 2"x2"x 1/4" balsa with in-betweeny layers of 2" x 1/2" x 1/4" balsa slices spaced out with flower-shaped pony beads. 6.5" long and suitable for small to intermediate sized birds. An original Feathered Addictions design.
Three 2" boxes filled with paper shreds and room for nutri-berries, nuts or other dry treats. Suitable for small to intermediate-sized birds. 19.5" x 2" Made by Caitec/ Paradise Bird Toys