Nutri-Berries are nutritionally balanced like pellets, just not ground up
Both pellets and Nutri-Berries contain seeds and grains. In pellets, they are finely ground into a powder before being formed into a pellet. Most of the seeds and grains in Nutri-Berries are kept whole because Dr. Lafeber discovered how to nutritionally balance them without grinding.
The secret is hulling
By hulling the seeds and grains and then coating them with stabilized vitamins, chelated minerals, and amino acids, your bird receives the balanced nutrition essential to good health, just like with pelleted diets. Plus, unground seeds and grains provide the benefit of whole foods, just like birds enjoy in the wild.
Fun Foraging with whole seeds and grains
Because of the whole seeds and grains, Classic Nutri-Berries offer multiple tastes and multiple textures essential for optimal foraging. Pellets alone only offer a single taste and a single texture. This is because in a pellet, everything is finely ground and blended together. Every ingredient becomes the same, same taste, same texture, which as a full diet, is boring for most birds and people.
Ingredients: Cracked corn, hulled white proso millet, safflower, peanut splits, hulled canary grass seed, maltodextrin, red millet, rape seed, peanuts, peanuts, ground corn, corn syrup, corn oil, glycerine, propylene glycol, wheat, whole egg, dicalcium phosphate.