Using an Easy Sprouter, soak for 5-10 minutes in pure water. Drain water well and serve!
Mix in Just Sprouts! (shown in pic), or fresh China Prairie sprouts, Glow! Up Tea, and top with any of our whole food supplements or Glow! Up Dusts prior to serving. Fresh herbs can be mixed in too! Prepare in daily servings, making a fresh batch each day helps to reduce waste.
Making healthy food FAST without sacrificing nutritional diversity!
Air Dried Ingredients: Carrot Flakes, Green Garden Peas, Red and Green Bell Peppers, Butternut Squash, Sweet Corn, Zucchini, Sweet Potato, Broccoli, Green Chili Peppers, Kale Flakes.
This unique, all natural, and healthy blend was formulated with Lou @Parrotsrus and Flock! To be enjoyed and relished by small & large parrots.