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1.5" x 3/4" coloured pine slats with 1/4" hole- 24 slices per per package. Add to your birds favorite toy or let your imagination go wild with creating new toys. Hole accomodates 1.6mm chain, paper rope, poly rope, 1/8" leather lace and similar...
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1.5" x 3/8 coloured pine slats with 1/4" hole- 24 slices per per package. Add to your birds favorite toy or let your imagination go wild with creating new toys. Hole accomodates 1.6mm chain, paper rope, poly rope, 1/8" leather lace and similar...
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These thin wooden spatulas measure 3.5" long x 1/16" thick and approx 3/4" wide with a 1/8" hole. Add to your birds favorite toy or let your imagination go wild with creating new toys. Assorted bright colours. These are suitable for small to intermediate sized birds.
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